We are pleased to bring you the cover and table of contents for our last book of 2017: MRS. CLAUS: NOT THE FAIRY TALE THEY SAY, an anthology of Christmas tales that explore who Mrs. Claus is and what her role is on Christmas Eve. These stories range from fantasy to steampunk to sci-fi, and from funny to bittersweet. MRS. CLAUS: NOT THE FAIRY TALE THEY SAY, edited by Rhonda Parrish, will be available in both ebook and paperback on November 28, 2017. Want to see the cover and the table of contents? Look below! When you think of Mrs. Claus, do you imagine a quiet North Pole homebody who finds complete fulfillment in baking cookies, petting reindeer and crafting toys alongside elves? How about a magic-wielding ice goddess, or a tough-as-nails Valkyrie? Or maybe an ancient fae of dubious intentions, or a well-meaning witch? Could Mrs. Claus be a cigar-smoking Latina, or a crash-landed alien? Within these pages Mrs. Claus is a hero, a villain, a mother, a spacefarer, a monster hunter, and more. The only thing she decidedly is not, is a sidekick. Table of Contents“Wight Christmas” by Laura VanArendonk Baugh “The Asylum Musicale” by C.B. Calsing “Desperately Seeking Santa” by DJ Tyrer “Christmas Magic” by Jennifer Lee Rossman “Good Morning” by Kristen Lee “Moves Like Jagger” by Randi Perrin “Miss ‘Lil Toe Head” by Michael Leonberger “Unexpected Guests” by Andrew Wilson “The True Story of Christina and Kristopher Kringle” by Ross Van Dusen “Shouldering the Burden” by MLD Curelas “You’d Better Watch Out” by Maren Matthias “Captain Lizzy and the Stranger in the Fog” by Anne Luebke “Agatha Sings to the Scorpions” by Jeff Kuykendall “Red to Hide the Blood” by Hayley Stone
Baba Yaga Anthology (actual title TBD) Anthologist: Kate Wolford Open for Submissions: January 1 to March 1, 2018 Expected Publication: late 2018 Story Length: 7,500 to 20,000 words Payment: $50 per story + contributor copy Baba Yaga, the terrifying witch of the forest in Slavic folklore, lends herself to all kinds of interpretations. Notorious for traveling in a mortar while wielding a pestle, Baba Yaga sometimes wreaks havoc on humans, but can turn around and help when she feels like it. And she is an early Tiny House owner--hers moves on chicken feet. Baba Yaga may be recognizable from classic images by Ivan Billibin, but, in the US and some other countries, her qualities are not as widely known as they are in Slavic countries. A link to learn more is HERE. Kate is looking for stories from Baba Yaga’s point of view, or the point of view from those she helps or hurts, or from anyone who might be a protagonist worthy of the Baba Yaga story. You can set the story in the past or present. The story can take place anywhere in the world. It can include romance or action or tragedy or comedy. Kate wants well-developed stories that don’t disintegrate at the end because they’re rushed or major plot lines are unfinished. Develop characters. Draw readers in with specific details. Make them root for the protagonist. The audience is age 15 and up. Please, no sci-fi, dystopian, erotica, high fantasy, time-travel, futuristic, space travel, or western submissions. No love triangles, please. Kate will not provide feedback at any point during the submissions period. Submission Method: Send your story pasted into the body of the email. Attachments will not be opened. Please email with Submission: [story title] in the subject line. Please include a brief cover letter, but DO NOT summarize your story in the cover letter. Send submissions to Enchantedconversation[at]gmail[dot]com. No multiple submissions. Just one per author. But simultaneous submissions are fine. About the anthologist Kate Wolford is a writer, editor, and blogger living in the Midwest. Fairy tales are her specialty. Previous books include Beyond the Glass Slipper: Ten Neglected Fairy Tales to Fall in Love With, Krampusnacht: Twelve Nights of Krampus, and Frozen Fairy Tales, all published by World Weaver Press. She maintains a 'zine, Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale Magazine, at fairytalemagazine.com. Kate Wolford's Previous Anthologies
What We're Looking For During the September 2017 open submission window, World Weaver Press will be considering speculative romance between 20,000 words and 100,000 words. Romance isn't all we publish, but it's all we're looking for right now. Romance that does not contain a speculative element (i.e. fantasy or science fiction) will not be considered. We are looking for standalones, duologies, or trilogies only. Longer series will not be considered at this time. Query only the first book, but mention if the book is the first of a duology or trilogy. We publish in both digital (ebook) and paperback (print on demand) formats. Unagented submissions welcome. Length: Novels or Novellas from 20,000 (min) to 100,000 (max) Audience: Adult, New Adult (No YA at this time, please) Genres: Speculative Romance, including, but not limited to: Paranormal Romance, Epic Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Fairy Tale, Hard Science Fiction, Soft Science Fiction, Space Opera, Solarpunk, Steampunk, Dieselpunk, Decopunk, Fantasy Romance, Science Fiction Romance, Paranormal Mystery, Time Travel Romance Please note we are unlikely to consider horror, grimdark, or dystopia. All romantic pairings will be considered, including, but not limited to, M/F, M/M, F/F, or menage. Happily Ever After or Happily For Now ending is required. We encourage writers of all genders, orientations, ethnicities, and nationalities to submit to us, and we welcome manuscripts featuring people of color, disabled people, and members of the LGBT+ community doing kickass things in fantasy and science fiction milieus. How to Query Send a query letter in the body of the email + the first 5000 words attached as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf to submissions[at]worldweaverpress[dot]com. In the subject line, tell us “Novel” or “Novella,” and the title. (For example: Novel Query: Most Awesome Book Ever) Query letters must include the approximate word count, audience, and genre. (For example: Most Awesome Book Ever is a 90,000 word new adult urban fantasy novel.) All World Weaver Press editors will read all queries, so you do not need to address your query to a particular editor. We will respond to all queries within six weeks. If we are interested in reading more, we will request a partial manuscript and synopsis. Partial and full manuscripts should follow William Shunn’s Manuscript Format and use a standard font such as Times New Roman, Garamond, or Georgia. Courier is okay if you absolutely insist. Please use italics—do not underline to indicate italics. Responses to partial and full manuscripts may take several months. Multiple & Simultaneous Submissions Please query only one project at a time. If we reject your first query before we close to submissions, you are welcome to send another query for a different project within our open window. If we have requested a partial or full manuscript, please do not send another query for a different project before we respond to your first one. Because response times may be long, we highly encourage authors to submit simultaneously to other publishers who also allow simultaneous submissions. If you are offered a contract by another publisher before we respond to your query or manuscript, please let us know right away. Please note, you are welcome to query a novel/novella and also submit to a World Weaver Press anthology at the same time. Please do not query agents and publishers at the same time. To understand why, see this article. More Info Find out about Rights & Payments, reprint policy, and other details here: Submit: Fiction.
See our Editors' Manuscript Wish List here: editor-manuscript-wish-lists-september-2017.html |
World Weaver PressPublishing fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction. Archives
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