K Bird Lincoln's unique urban fantasy series began in 2017 with DREAM EATER, a story about a college student in Portland who discovers she is a "baku," the legendary "dream eater" from Japanese folklore. We continued Koi's adventures in 2018 with BLACK PEARL DREAMING, where Koi and her new supernatural friends travel to Japan to meet with a council of beings who have their own plans for Koi and her powers. Now, we're thrilled to bring you the final installment of the Portland Hafu series: LAST DREAM OF HER MORTAL SOUL by K. Bird Lincoln will be available in ebook and paperback on Tuesday, March 19, 2019. Even a dream eater can’t escape the final sleep… Need to Catch Up on the First Two Books?About the AuthorK. Bird Lincoln is an ESL professional and writer living on the windswept Minnesota Prairie sustained by family and frou-frou coffee. Also dark chocolate-- without which, the world is a howling void. Originally from Cleveland, she has spent a couple decades living on the fringes of the Pacific Ocean. Her speculative short stories are published in various online & paper publications such as Strange Horizons. Her medieval Japanese fantasy series, Tiger Lily, is available from Amazon. Her multi-cultural fantasy set in Portland, Oregon begins with the book Dream Eater. She also writes tasty speculative fiction reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Check her out on Facebook, join her newsletter for chocolate and free stories, or stalk her online at kblincoln.wordpress.com
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