We are thrilled to announce the table of contents for GLASS AND GARDENS: SOLARPUNK SUMMERS, a science fiction anthology edited by Sarena Ulibarri. This anthology will be available sometime mid-summer 2018—watch our social media or sign up for our newsletter for updates. Solarpunk is a type of optimistic science fiction that imagines a future founded on renewable energies. The seventeen stories in this volume are not boring utopias—they grapple with real issues such as the future and ethics of our food sources, the connection or disconnection between technology and nature, and the interpersonal conflicts that arise no matter how peaceful the world is. In these pages you’ll find a guerilla art installation in Milan, a murder mystery set in a weather manipulation facility, and a world where you are judged by the glow of your solar nanite implants. From an opal mine in Australia to the seed vault at Svalbard, from a wheat farm in Kansas to a crocodile ranch in Malaysia, these are stories of adaptation, ingenuity, and optimism for the future of our world and others. For readers who are tired of dystopias and apocalypses, these visions of a brighter future will be a breath of fresh air. Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Summers Table of Contents "Caught Root" by Julia K. Patt "The Spider and the Stars" by D.K. Mok "Riot of the Wind and Sun" by Jennifer Lee Rossman "Fyrewall" by Stefani Cox "Watch Out, Red Crusher!" by Shel Graves "The Call of the Wold" by Holly Schofield "Camping With City Boy" by Jerri Jerreat "A Field of Sapphires and Sunshine" by Jaymee Goh "Midsummer Night's Heist" by Commando Jugendstil and Tales from the EV Studio "Heavenly Dreams of Mechanical Trees" by Wendy Nikel "New Siberia" by Blake Jessop "Grover: Case #C09 920, 'The Most Dangerous Blend'" by Edward Edmonds "Amber Waves" by Sam S. Kepfield "Grow, Give, Repeat" by Gregory Scheckler "Cable Town Delivery" by M. Lopes da Silva "Women of White Water" by Helen Kenwright "Under the Northern Lights" by Charlotte M. Ray About the Authors Julia K. Patt is a writer, teacher, and editor living in Maryland. Her science fiction has appeared in Clarkesworld, Escape Pod, and Luna Station Quarterly, among other places. Follow her on twitter (@chidorme) or check out her website juliakpatt.com for more. DK Mok is a fantasy and science fiction author whose novels include Squid’s Grief and Hunt for Valamon. DK has been shortlisted for four Aurealis Awards, two Ditmars and a WSFA Small Press Award. DK graduated from UNSW with a degree in Psychology, pursuing her interests in both social justice and scientist humour. DK lives in Sydney, Australia, and her favourite fossil deposit is the Burgess Shale. Connect on Twitter @dk_mok or www.dkmok.com. Jennifer Lee Rossman is a science fiction geek from Oneonta, New York, who enjoys cross stitching, watching Doctor Who, and threatening to run over people with her wheelchair. Her work has been featured in several anthologies and her debut novel, Jack Jetstark's Intergalactic Freakshow, will be published by World Weaver Press in 2019. You can find her blog at jenniferleerossman.blogspot.com and Twitter at twitter.com/JenLRossman. Stefani Cox is a Los Angeles-based speculative fiction writer and lapsed urban planner. She’s an alumna of the VONA/Voices of Our Nations Arts writing workshops and an associate editor for PodCastle fantasy fiction podcast. Stefani also works as a communications consultant, and spends her free time practicing yoga, hiking, and being an insatiable bookworm. She holds a master’s in City and Regional Planning from UC Berkeley. Find her on Twitter @stefanicox or her website stefanicox.com. Shel Graves is a reader, writer, and utopian thinker who lives by the Salish Sea. She works as a caregiver at Pasado's Safe Haven, a non-profit on a mission to end animal cruelty. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing at Goddard College. She keeps her writer's journal at shelgraves.blogspot.com. Talk to her @Utopianista on Twitter and see pictures of her furry companions @Sheltopia on Instagram. Holly Schofield travels through time at the rate of one second per second, oscillating between the alternate realities of city and country life. Her short stories have appeared in Analog, Lightspeed, Escape Pod, and many other publications throughout the world. She hopes to save the world through science fiction and homegrown heritage tomatoes. Find her at hollyschofield.wordpress.com. Jerri Jerreat's fiction has appeared in The New Quarterly, The Antigonish Review, The Dalhousie Review, and Room, among others. Another science fiction story appeared in an anthology Nevertheless: Tesseracts Twenty-One by Edge Publishing. Jerri is an Ontario paddler who has lived in Vancouver, Ottawa, St. Catharines, and in Tübingen, Germany. She now lives under a roof of solar panels on an ancient limestone seabed near Kingston, Ontario. Visit her website at jerrjerreat.com. Jaymee Goh is a writer, poet, reviewed, and scholar of science fiction and fantasy. Her work can be found in Lightspeed Magazine, Strange Horizons, and Science Fiction Studies. She is the editor of The SEA Is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia and The WisCon Chronicles Vol. 11: Trials by Whiteness. Commando Jugendstil is a real-life small collective of Italian solarpunk creators who aim to conjugate green technology and art to make cities a better place to live in and build creative communities. Tales From the EV is a posse of emigrant Italian writers who specialise in historical fantasy, archanepunk and scriptwriting for comics. This is their first foray in the realms of solarpunk. Wendy Nikel is a speculative fiction author with a degree in elementary education, a fondness for road trips, and a terrible habit of forgetting where she's left her cup of tea. Her short fiction has been published by Fantastic Stories of the Imagination, Daily Science Fiction, Nature: Futures, and elsewhere. Her time travel novella, The Continuum, was published by World Weaver Press in January 2018, with a sequel forthcoming. For more info, visit wendynikel.com. Blake Jessop is a Canadian writer, lecturer, and poet. You can read more of his science fiction in the 2018 Young Explorer's Adventure Guide from Dreaming Robot Press, or follow him on Twitter @everydayjisei. A native of Niagara Falls, Ontario, Edward Edmonds is a teacher currently living in Saskatchewan, Canada. His works have previously been published in the literary magazines Inscribed, Steel Bananas, and dead (g)end(er). You can find Edward on twitter @ededification if he's not haunting your local coffee shop. Like much Sam Kepfield's fiction, “Amber Waves” draws upon the author’s decades-long residence in his home state of Kansas. Sam Kepfield was raised in Western Kansas, attended Kansas State University and the University of Nebraska, and currently resides in Hutchinson. He is the author of two books and numerous short stories. Massachusetts author-artist Gregory Scheckler crafts science fiction stories and cartoony artworks. His writings can be found at World Weaver Press, Crow's Mirror Books, the Berkshire Eagle, the Berkshire Review for the Arts, The Mind’s Eye, and Thought & Action. When he’s not writing or artmaking, he and his wife can be found skiing and biking the Berkshires, watching their neighbor's chickens, or tending their solar-powered home. M. Lopes da Silva is an author and fine artist living in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Electric Literature, Blumhouse, The California Literary Review, and Queen Mob’s Teahouse, and anthologies by Mad Scientist Journal, Gehenna & Hinnom Press, and Fantasia Divinity Publishing. She recently illustrated the Centipede Press collector’s edition of Jonathan Carroll’s The Land of Laughs. Find more at mlopesdasilva.wordpress.com. Helen Kenwright writes hopeful speculative fiction, and is currently working on a steampunk/solarpunk novel about history, humanity and unexpected consequences. She has an MA with distinction in Creative Writing from York St John University, and runs the Writing Tree, an organisation offering online creative writing tuition and support. She teaches creative writing for Converge, a project at York St John University which offers educational opportunities for people recovering from mental ill-health, and for the University of York's lifelong learning programme. Find more at www.helenkenwright.com or on Twitter at @hnkenwright. Charlotte M. Ray lives (physically) in Finland with her husband and their computers, and (mentally) in whichever imaginary world she is currently occupied with. She is fascinated with new and upcoming tech, and secretly wishes someone would invent a brain image-to-text converter and teleportation. Her story "Addie-cted" appeared in the WWP anthology Covalent Bonds. About the Anthologist ![]() Sarena Ulibarri is Editor-in-Chief of World Weaver Press, and she is also a fiction writer who has been published in Lightspeed, Fantastic Stories of the Imagination, Weirdbook, and elsewhere. Her solarpunk story "Riding in Place" appeared in the anthology Biketopia: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories in Extreme Futures. She lives in a solar-powered adobe house in New Mexico, and can be found online at SarenaUlibarri.com and @SarenaUlibarri.
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